Maryam Kamvar Garrett
Google Inc, 2004 - present
2022 - present: Senior Staff Engineering Manager
Tech lead Google Saves: managing a team of 31. We enable Google users to collect, curate and share the things they find interesting. We integrate save affordances across the Google product ecosystem, and build the interface to take action on the saved items (
2014 - 2022: Staff Software Engineer
Tech lead of Assistant Personalization: managing a team of 25. We work on building an internal developer platform and user-facing features to personalize in the Google Assistant.
Sampling of work:
Tech Lead & Manager for the Assistant Memory effort, featured in the 2020 Superbowl.
Tech Lead & Manager for the Personal Knowledge Graph effort, featured at 2019 Google I/O.
2009 - 2014: Senior Research Scientist
Tech lead of Google's Speech Analytics Team: harnessing the power of data to improve our speech products.
Sampling of work:
Contributor to the Voice Input Method for Android. Through the microphone button on Android keyboards, we allow users to speak into any text box (eg - emails, sms messages, web forms). This makes text-input on the go much easier.
Research lead on mobile user understanding. The goal of this research is to understand how mobile search users differ from computer-based search users, and we focus heavily on the distribution and variability of tasks that users perform from each platform. Our research has been
published extensively at academic conferences, used internally for product strategy, and externally for marketing purposes.
2004 - 2009: Software Engineer
Founding member of Google's Mobile Team: bringing the power of Google to your phone.
Sampling of work:
Development lead for the implementation for client-side solution of Google Suggest for Mobile Maps on Windows Mobile Devices. This was the first mobile "Google Suggest" client.
Development lead on this iGoogle feature which allowed users to drag and drop their iGoogle modules onto a representation of their mobile device. This allowed for easy customization of their mobile iGoogle page.
Notable Recognition
Recipient of
Search Ways of Working Award for demonstrating responsible ownership, disciplined collaboration, and a commitment to learning and challenge.
patents filed during Google Tenure
8 academic
papers published during Google Tenure
Columbia University, Degree Awarded June 2008
Ph.D. Computer Science
Dissertation: Using Context to Improve Query Formulation and Entry from Mobile Phones
Advised by Dr. Shumeet Baluja and Professor Steven Feiner
Princeton University, Degree Awarded June 2002
A.B. Computer Science with Certificate in French
Nominated for and inducted into Sigma XI: National Scientific Research Society
Departmental GPA: 3.7/4.0; GRE: Q-770 A-800 V-650
Invited Journal Papers
Deciphering Trends in Mobile Search
Maryam Kamvar, Shumeet Baluja
cover feature in
IEEE Computer Magazine August 2007, Special Issue on Search
Refereed Conference Papers
Say What? Why users choose to speak their web queries
Maryam Kamvar and Doug Beeferman
to appear in INTERSPEECH 2010, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my! A logs-based comparison of search users on different devices
Maryam Kamvar, Melanie Kellar, Rajan Patel, Ya Xu
at WWW 2009, International World Wide Web Conference
What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation
Rich Gossweiler, Maryam Kamvar, Shumeet Baluja
at WWW 2009, International World Wide Web Conference
Query Suggestions for Mobile Search: Understanding Usage Patters
Maryam Kamvar, Shumeet Baluja
paper at
CHI 2008, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
The Role of Context in Query Input: Using contexual signals to complete queries on mobile devices
Maryam Kamvar, Shumeet Baluja
paper at
Mobile HCI 2007, Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (2007)
A Large Scale Styde of Wireless Search Behavior: Google Mobile Search
Maryam Kamvar, Shumeet Baluja
paper at
CHI 2006, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Book Chapters
Google Search by Voice: A case study
Johan Schalkwyk, Doug Beeferman, Francoise Beaufays, Bill Byrne, Ciprian Chelba, Mike Cohen, Maryam Kamvar and Brian Strope
in Visions of Speech: Exploring New Voice Apps in Mobile Environments, Call Centers and Clinics Springer (2010)